LEARNTEC team 2024

Dear LEARNTEC community,

we had three great days with you and would like to thank everyone involved for an all-round successful event. If you would like to find out more, take a look at our follow-up report!

The next LEARNTEC date: 06 to 08 May 2025 at Messe Karlsruhe.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Topic areas of LEARNTEC

Topic area school

Topic area school

How do digital schools work? Which new forms of learning and teaching arise through digital teaching materials and what factors must be taken into account? What form do optimal learning and the teaching of media skills take?

Topic area university

Topic area university

Universities in the digital age – visit our programme of presentations university@LEARNTEC and discover many more different ideas for your university on all three days of the trade fair.

Topic area corporate

Topic area corporate

The growing trend towards digitisation is changing the way in which we live, teach and work – both today and in the future. These days, practical, life-long education is scarcely imaginable without the use of digital media.