
Experience the digital learning worlds of the future!
Forum school @ LEARNTEC

Experience the digital learning worlds of the future – live at LEARNTEC

How do digital schools work? Which new forms of learning and teaching arise through digital teaching materials and what factors must be taken into account? What form do optimal learning and the teaching of media skills take?

These are just a few of the questions that will be discussed in the school forum. With the aid of experts , you will experience the many different facets of digital learning and the possible ways of using IT support technologies.

If you are a ...

  • school principal,
  • school media advisor,
  • superintendent or work in education at district or federal state level
... you can come to LEARNTEC to find out about technology and methods that provide a digital boost to your school’s education concept. Whether smartboard, BYOD, Smart Classroom or digital schoolbook – you can take on board good advice from colleagues and tips from experts on introducing end devices, on collaborative learning using digital networking or on media skills training.